2nd – 8th Grades
- Upon completion, the Principal and teacher will evaluate and determine if SS. Simon & Jude is the best fit for the child.
- Parents will be notified shortly thereafter and then complete the remainder of the application process if their child is accepted.
- We use the following criteria when accepting students for enrollment in 2nd through 8th Grade:

Fill out an application:
- For English: Application Packet
- For Spanish: Application Packet – Spanish

Bring to the school office the following items:
- Application Checklist.
- Application for Admission.
- Non-refundable $50 Application Fee.
- Original Birth Certificate (we will make a copy of the birth certificate and return it to you, but we must see the original.)
- Sacrament Certificates (copies acceptable)
- Baptism
- Reconciliation
- Eucharist
- Confirmation
- Immunization Records.
- Two most recent report cards (current year and last year).
- Two most current standardized testing results (current year and last year).

Arrange to shadow for a ½ day at our school in your current grade.