Tuition Rates

School families who are registered, contributing members of SS. Simon & Jude Parish and attend Mass regularly shall receive the benefit of reduced rates of tuition to be determined annually in cooperation with the Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral School Board.

Families who are not parishioners of SS. Simon & Jude Church with children enrolled in our school, shall pay the out-of-parish rates determined annually in cooperation with the Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral School Board.

All families shall be expected to make tuition payments according to one of the following payment plans. Each family’s preferred manner of payment must be submitted annually at the time of student registration. Options for payment shall include:
- Full Payment: Under this plan, the entire amount of tuition is paid on or before July 1. A tuition reduction may be applied to the tuition cost. Tuition reductions shall be determined annually in cooperation with the Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral School Board. This payment is made directly to SS. Simon & Jude School.
- Monthly Payments: Under this plan, the entire amount of tuition is paid monthly through the FACTS Tuition Management Plan. There are a variety of options in order to ensure that families will be able to budget according to their needs. This program is an automatic payment plan made through a checking or statement savings account. Those choosing this plan will authorize their bank to make electronic monthly payments. FACTS payments also can be set up with a credit card. There is a convenience fee that will be assessed for the credit card option.
- Option A: Nine-month payment plan beginning in August
- Option B: Ten-month payment plan beginning in August
- Option C: Eleven-month payment plan beginning in July
- Option D: Semi-annual payment plan (August and January)
- All options have the choice of automatic deductions on either the 5th or the 20th of each month. Payments for the school year must be completed by May 20th.