Way to Support SSJ
There are various ways in which you can give to SS. Simon & Jude Cathedral School. Like all non-profit schools, tuition alone does not cover the full expense of a SS. Simon & Jude Cathedral School education. We must rely on contributions, volunteerism, and other fundraising activities to support our programs.
Here is a sampling of our various funds:
- Sr. Raphael Quinn Principal’s Scholarship – NEW!
- School Building Fund (our area of greatest need)
- Endowment Fund
- Help-a-Student Fund
- Technology Fund
- Irish Athletics
- Fr. Paul Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Msgr. Michael O’Grady Endowed Scholarship
- Loreto Sisters Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
The impact of your gift to our School:
- Demonstrates your belief in and support of our mission
- Provides opportunities for increased student aid
- Ensures a Catholic education for the next generation
- Provides for improved campus facilities and updated technology
- Provides a lasting gift to remember your loved ones
- Continues the legacy of the Loreto Sisters

Gifts of Cash
Checks payable to SS. Simon & Jude Cathedral School can simply be sent to:
- SS. Simon & Jude Cathedral School
- 6351 N. 27th Avenue
- Phoenix, AZ 85017
Online Donations
Donate online using your credit card. Follow this link to our Online Giving.

Direct Debit
Arrangements can be made to automatically debit your checking or savings account on a regular schedule that you decide (annually, quarterly, or monthly). This can be done through our Online Giving as well.

Catholic Education Arizona Tuition Tax Credit
Catholic Education Arizona is an annual Arizona tax credit program that allows you to direct a portion of your state tax dollars to support tuition for students at SSJ. Every dollar you designate to our school through Catholic Education Arizona reduces your state income tax liability by one dollar with no out of pocket cost to you.

Corporate Matching Gifts
Double or even triple your donation with a matching gift from your employer. Contact the Human Resource Department of your company for more information and include your matching gift form with your contribution.

Planned Gifts
You or a loved one may be considering the possibility of leaving something to SSJ in your will or trust. In addition to taking full advantage of the personal benefits you can realize now with planned giving; including valuable tax benefits, you can create a legacy for the future.
Thank You! All gifts are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law.
For more information, please contact: Mary Jo Wahlers, Advancement Director: 602-242-1299, extension 149